23rd December, 2010
What has so far surprised me is not that Nigerians did not know most of what has happened and is happening as released by Wikkileaks. Shocking is the level of shock being expressed in newspapers across the country. One thing I’ve not done is to reveal to follow citizens what is being done to them by both foreigners and their so-called brothers and sisters in power.
When I tried to tell Nigerians as little as possible, what is going wrong in this country, not only did the imperial machine and its local agents were fiercely against me. To make me stop talking was the ferocity with which uninformed local media men and women bounced on me, attacking me as if I were in the taboo world. So, deciding to shut my mouth up became the wise decision to make. Talking to my overseas audience has kept me intellectually refreshing, notwithstanding its high cost.
Why I even say less these days, is as a result of the very piece of advice I got from one of my MIT professors, who recently said, “Basil, information is power, but absolute information is absolute power; for those who have absolute information, care should always be exercised on how they let out absolute information because otherwise it can be more catastrophic than the nuclear bomb.
That piece of advice has always guided me whenever I have to talk otherwise what I say could set countries ablaze. I am also most mindful of the fact that some people could, based on what they hear, undertake premature revenge on the West-particularly given the immense atrocities the US and the UK have committed on the rest of us.
But now that this generation of Nigerians is ready to know more, let me begin with Nigeria’s 1960s Civil War, which had many similarities with the 1860s American Civil War planned and executed by imperial Britain, frightful of the emergence of America as its potential economic and military challenger. The only difference with the Nigerian case was that it was received as the potential neutralizer of the Anglo-American full-spectrum dominance of the African economic and political space.
The very fact that few Nigerians knew little that this war was planned in Washington and London, with its Nigerian executors carefully selected and positioned among Northern and Southeastern Nigerian leaders with millions of citizens cutting other’s throats, wasn’t this the summit of ill-information?
Even before the end of the WW2, the Rockefeller owned Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had already identified some natural resource rich countries in developing world to be quickly dominated by all means, including the use of forces.
Besides America’s backyard Latin American economies, the CIA and MI-6 acting on behalf of the Rockefeller’s CFR had to target on some key countries such as Iran, Congo, Ghana, and Nigeria, South Africa to consolidate their absolute control these countries vast natural wealth.
So, the removal of the democratically elected Iranian prime minster, popularized as the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, was fully executed on August 19, 1953 by violently overthrowing popular Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh by the intelligence agencies of the UK and the US who replaced him with America’s dictatorial ally, the Shah of Iran.
With that success, came the shockingly brutal public mutilation of Patrice Émery Lumumba on 17 January 1961. Elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo for having single-handedly won his country’s independence from Belgium in June 1960, his only sin became that he daringly loved his Congo more than he was expected to have loved America and its European cousins.
Not even pleas from most African and Asian countries to spare Lumumba’s life, given how greedy the American eyes were set on grabbing the country’s vast minerals, which had Mobutu waiting as a credible ally, America had no reason to have change of heart.
The next was Nigeria. Here was a nation fast marching on its way to political consolidation and economic stardom. Unleashing Nigeria with permanent destabilization by setting up the two ethnic groups that their unity was causing Washington and London endless nightmares was executed by carefully putting northern and southeastern on each other’s throats.
This freezing of Nigerian political and economic unity was the only way the country’s move to a great height of global significance, should be brought to an abrupt end. Putting them into mutual fear and hatred was the only means of keeping Nigeria permanently divided to the full benefit of Washington and London.
To make sure the destructiveness of the civil war was total, these two organizers carefully seduced other big powers to be in different camps, including France and Israel that were on the side of Biafra, leading what was rumored on international diplomatic circles as Africa’s own “World War”.
Even with millions of Nigerian civilians-particularly on the side of Biafra-cut up in this devastating war, Washington and London had no change of heart as they continued to prolong the war by arming and rearming both side directly and indirectly so that the end would be immeasurably fatal and catastrophic.
Little wonder after forty years of this catastrophic stage-managed war, mutual fear and suspicion seemed not to go away, especially given how Washington and London have always worked hard to see that their “let us continuously divide them so that we will always continuously control them,” never comes to an end.
Making the north to be afraid of the south and vice versa has been carefully and continuously executed to the detriment of Nigeria’s nationalism, greatness and prosperity. That explains why even today their total control over Nigeria’s political infrastructure has continued to lead to the present state of confusion.
In fact, the unwritten agreement on Nigeria is ethnic power balancing, which means that there is to be continuous ethnic disagreements at the center. It was in an effort to maintain this power balancing realpolitik that ‘yesterday’, to America’s favour Washington made northern Nigeria its ally. Today, in this same fate, it is increasingly making southern Nigeria its ally.
But why do I really bother to bring this to public domain? It is because those who never know their past not only will they never know why their present situation is what it is today, but will hardly know how to avoid the reoccurrence of the past in the future.
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