Our Physical Life

What controls our life? Do we initiate control or plan events that occur in our life? What made us marry the wife we married? Was it impulse or the effect of  a direction in a dream? Having conscious dreams that we remember gives direction and purpose to our life and we are able to read our life like a roadmap.

Your discovery, recognition and acceptance of the fact that you are the principal author of events in your life are the first step in your taking control of  your life. Nothing good or bad manifests in your life without your acceptance, which can be induced. This shows the importance of being alive in your other  bodies. This is a control mechanism supervised by the higher self that must run our life.

Swim with the flow of spirit, and not against it, to live a smooth life. When this happens, you and spirit become one. It protects you in ways that are  mysterious. It fights those that fight you and blesses those that bless you.

Our life runs in accordance with our purpose, decisions and choices. Spirit respects and manifest our wishes. Our life runs in accordance with the nature of  the mould we create through our thoughts, words or actions. Once the mould is created, the manifestation in our outer life depends on our belief, assumptions  we hold and our focused attention. Of course, persistence, trust and faith keeps hope alive and ensures that manifestation is complete.

Experiences translate to lessons, knowledge, wisdom and eventually expanded awareness. Experiences could be bitter or sweet. Lessons through pain send in the  message faster but we have to be wise enough to learn from the experiences of others.

Any event in our life could be good or bad depending on how we see it. Turning a bad event to our advantage has to do with our attitude to life. Let us learn  to see the advantages in bad events and turn them  to our advantage. The capacity lies within us. We must learn to draw on our inner resource that is  unlimited and expanding.

We are creators through our thoughts, words and actions. We plant seeds in our gardens through the instrument of our thoughts, words or actions. To nourish  the seeds planted, we must give it attention through focus.

Learn to call on the inmate power for miracles to happen in your life. The inmate power is in us: the higher self. It has a name that changes in accordance  with our vibratory rate and state of consciousness. To call on it, we must know that name to call to activate its power.

Who am I really? To do this, start listening and serving spirit as an aware channel. Serve spirit as an equal partner in creation. This comes with practice  and confidence building. Authority to activate the power of spirit and make things happen depends on your level of partnership with spirit. You must make  spirit need you more than you need it and this is possible when you open yourself as a channel for it to use you. Spirit, in its pure form, can only be  activated in the physical through your soul body because outside of you spirit has bifurcated into smaller streams with less vibratory power and manifesting  power.

Keep all bodies, thoughts and emotions under the direction of the higher self. This is possible through postulates, recognition and acceptance of the role of  the higher self in our life. Our higher self is the Lord of our Universe and all it needs from us is permission to run our life. Once that permission is  granted, it must be renewed every seven days.

Physical body is an expression of life here. It is just a machine. Train it not to be in conflict with your other bodies. For this to be possible, it is  achieved through commands and postulates directed at the physical machine. Commands are more effective but it must be done with authority, belief and faith.

Physical body has its own programming. If you do not like what you are seeing, change the programme. Each of our bodies has a code, that is, the physical and  other bodies have a code. The code contains all the secrets of that body. Once psychic thieves know your code, they can interfere with your destiny. The code  of all the codes of man is contained in the saliva and the sperm. The complete code is in the sperm. The code in the saliva is not complete because graphs  would still have to be plotted and projections made to arrive at a result. The ancients and the wise ones had a technique for blocking entities and psychic  thieves from having access to their body code.

The body code can be changed if you know how to. The only code that is unchangeable is that of soul.

Refer to my body as Wilson and my Higher Self as X to end the conflicts in my universe. Stop using the statement “I”. It can lead to confusion because I  could be your body or your Higher Self.

Meditation: You relax, sing and hum song and contemplate on a daily basis. Round up your meditation with Contemplation II. Contemplation II as set down in  the right paradigm: think, feel, experience to become the words. Think- feel it – experience it and become it.

— Orih Johnson

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