Oral Sex Causes Throat, Brain Cancer —Study

If you engage in oral sex, then be careful as a study has linked it with two types  of cancer.

Cancers of the tonsil (clumps of tissue on both sides of the throat that help fight  infections) and throat have increased in recent times among middle-aged and younger  people, and experts believe itâ€s triggered by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which  can be transmitted through oral sex, Health Day News, an American health research  journal, has reported.

This same virus has been found to be the primary cause of cancer of the cervix in  women.

A Professor of head and neck surgery at the University of Wisconsin School of  Medicine and Public Health in Madison, Dr. Greg Hartig, said it was “ a pretty good  link that more sexual activity, particularly oral sex, is associated with increased  HPV infection.”

Another expert, William Lydiatt, a Professor of head and neck surgical oncology at  the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, was reported as saying that the  incidence of other throat cancers had decreased because fewer people are smoking and  drinking, which are traditionally risk factors.

“Itâ€s gotten to the point now where 60 to 70 percent of all tonsil cancers in are  HPV-related,” Lydiatt said.

A study appearing in a past issue of the New England Journal of Medicine had found  that those people who had six or more oral sex partners in their life had a risk 3.4  times higher for oropharyngeal cancer.

—Eromosele Ebhomele

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