National Ram Charging Tourney: Final Holds Sunday

A recent ram charging championship held in Lagos,Nigeria.

•A recent ram charging championship held in Lagos,Nigeria.

The final of the National Ram charging championship will hold on Sunday at the Oshodi Sports Centre, Lagos State.

•A recent ram charging championship held in Lagos,Nigeria.

President of the Ram Sports Promoters of Nigeria, Adumadeyin Kayode, told P.M. Sports at the semi final of the tourney held  last Sunday at  Jalisco Sports Complex, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria that the association is prepared to organise a glamorous final.

He disclosed that  over 500 rams from different parts of the federation took part in the national championship.

“I am quite impressed with the turnout of the spectators that came to watch the ram charging sport. This shows that Nigerians are passionate about  the sport,” said Kayode, who expressed satisfaction with the enthusiasm showed by the ram sport lovers during the semi final.

Kayode assured fans that there will be  maximum security at the final and warned them to shun any form of violence that can tarnish the image of the competition.

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“We want to assure our invited guests and other ram sport lovers that nobody will be harassed  during or after the game. Maximum security will be provide in the final,” he said.

Meanwhile, two rams have secured  their place in the final in the category H.  They are Omolomo of Ikorodu, Boss of Mushin.  In Category E, Eje Afin of Ikorodu and Spartacus of Oshodi qualified for the final. In Category F, Sara of Itire and Kokoro Machine of Sagamu also qualified for the final

Others that will slug it out at the final are Otiyanya of Ifako, Sledge Hammer of Alimosho,  Bawala of Alimosho, Imole of Surulere  Rude Boy of Ijede and Odua of Shagamu.

—Sunday Akintoye

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