Dimka Tasks Media On Smuggling


Acting Controller, Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone ‘A†of the Nigeria Customs Service, Deputy Comptroller Victor Dimka, has tasked members of the mass media to help in the fight against smuggling.

Dimka stated in a chat with the media that smuggling cannot be completely wiped out except the general public, including the media, collectively help to combat the heinous act. On why the markets are still being flooded with prohibited items, Dimka said that as humans, Customs officers can only reduce smuggling.

“We are doing our best; the society should also help by giving us information because we canâ€t see everything. Some of our seizures are always based on tip-off by good Samaritans. So, all hands must be on deck to see that we suppress smuggling,” he said.

Dimka attributed the success the unit had recorded in its operations to the logistics and motivation of officers through the improved welfare package put in place by the management of the Service.

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“In all the commands that have anti-smuggling as their main duties, the Comptroller-General has provided enough tools, in terms of vehicles, Hilux jeeps, arms and ammunition to combat these smugglers.

“You know that smugglers are not to be handled with kidâ€s gloves. Them are deadly. And where you handle them with kidâ€s gloves, where you cannot challenge them to a stand-still, they bring your life to an abrupt end,” he said.

The Customs chief reiterated his unitâ€s resolve never to relent in its anti-smuggling war.

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