Man Docked For Seeking Deliverance In Church


A 42-year old man, Akeem Abiola has been arrested in Lagos State southwest Nigeria for allegedly entering a church during service without invitation.

He was charged before Ejigbo Magistrate’s Court for felony by entering the church without informing the church that he would attend their service.

The offence the police at Ikotun division preferred against him was that he conducted himself in a manner likely to cause breach of public peace.

P.M.NEWS gathered that the Ogun State-born Abiola reportedly went to a church called Radian Church located on Igando Ikotun Road Ikotun, Lagos, for prayer for undisclosed illness.

Residents wondered how one who is seeking deliverance from a pressing problem would wait to be invited by a church especially when churches are begging people to join them.

They wondered why it should be so since the place was a house God where prayers are offered.

The management of the church was not happy and alleged that he might have come to the church with another motive other than prayer.

P.M.NEWS gathered that the police did not find any incriminating evidence against him, yet he was arraigned before the court.

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Abiola, father of three children, was arraigned on a two-count charge under section 516 and 166 of the Criminal Code Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria. Part of which reads: “That you Akeem Abiola on the same date, time and place did cause breach of public peace by entering Radian Church without been invited”

He pleaded not guilty.

The Magistrate who held brief for Mrs M. B. Folami, who is on annual leave granted him bail in the sum of N50,000 with one surety in like sum.

He was, however, remanded in prison custody at kirikiri after he failed to meet his bail condition.

The matter was adjourned till 5 November 2012 for mention.

Efforts to reach the officials of the church to know whether it was their practice that one can only seek prayers in the church when such a person is invited failed as at the time of filing this report.

—Cyriacus Izuekwe

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