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The Catholic Church And CAN



By Eghes Eyieyien

It is clear that many commentators on the announcement by the Catholic Church that it is “suspending its membership of CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria) at the national level” have allowed themselves to be carried away by their Catholicism, admiration for Bishop Hassan Kukah and Cardinal John Onaiyekan, hatred of Pentecostalism, hatred of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, hatred of “wealthy pastors”, Islamism, or other prejudice to distract them from examining the facts which they may not have been privy to.

How can “closeness to government” be an issue raised by Catholic Bishops who have been intimate with Nigerian politicians for decades? Is there any church more tolerant of corrupt politicians and businessmen than the Catholic church? Which church does Chief Anthony Anenih, Senator David Mark and Ifeanyi Uba, for example, belong to? When has Bishop Kukah or Cardinal Onaiyekan ever criticised these people? When did they stop fraternising with PDP? What utter hypocrisy to talk about CAN being close to government!

That the Catholic church has never wanted a Pentecostal pastor to lead CAN is no news. People should find out what role the Sultan of Sokoto has been playing in undermining and subverting CAN using Cardinal Onaiyekan since he lost his bid to lead CAN for a second term. Talk to other non-Pentecostal  members of the CAN Executive Committee if you can. Ask the Anglican Prelate, Rev. Nicholas Okoh.

Is it not amazing that the Catholic church which has been the worst affected by Boko Haram’s murderous jihad is the most tepid and timid in condemning Boko Haram?! And Kukah and Onaiyekan have never missed a photo-opportunity to be seen with the Sultan of Sokoto at events or going to “break ramadan fast” in mosques to posture as “peace-makers” while their members are being killed in the North, their churches destroyed and the survivors of the attacks are abandoned without compensation! But God sees and He is not mocked nor deceived by politically correct bishops!

There are five main blocks that comprise CAN. The Catholic Church is just one. During the last National Executive Committee meeting of CAN in Awka, Anambra State, held sometime in November, 2012, the issue of the threat by the Catholic Church to leave CAN (which has been on for over six months) was tabled for discussion. In fact, all the other blocks of CAN were unanimous in condemning the Catholic Bishops and it was the wise leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor that prevailed on those calling for the expulsion of the Catholic Church from CAN!

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The Catholic Bishops only respect CAN and push for “Ecumenism” and “Inter-faith Dialogue” when a Catholic is leading the group. Former CAN presidents, the highly respected Sunday Mbang and Peter Akinola, of the Methodist Church and Anglican Church, respectively, were consistently undermined and betrayed during their tenures by the Catholic Church led by Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie and Onaiyekan! There is nothing new here!

Northern Christians have never been so happy about CAN as under Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor’s leadership. They are committed to ensure that Pastor Oritsejafor has a second term as CAN President! But for Pastor Oritsejafor’s courageous, bold and principled stance against Boko Haram (at great personal risk!) and the march of Islamism in Nigeria, Christians in the North would have remained marginalised, voiceless, oppressed, harassed, and frustrated in their own country, as they had been when the Catholic Church led CAN over the years. This is the truth! Talk to members of ECWA and other churches in the North to confirm for yourself.

So, I say, good riddance if the Catholic church is out of CAN!

“And of the increase of His Kingdom there shall be no end.”

•Eyieyien wrote from Lagos

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