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ACN Salutes APC Leaders, Urges Massive Support


The Lagos State chapter of the Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, has affirmed that the All Progressives Congress, APC, has come to stay and salutes the dexterity with which the leaders of the new party are handling the task of midwifing the party.

In a release in Lagos, signed by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of the ACN, Joe Igbokwe, the party said that for Nigeria to make meaningful progress and for the present democracy to survive the many challenges it is facing at present, Nigerians must rally round APC to reposition the country for progress.

The party expressed its pleasure at the progress made so far by the merger committee, which it says portends that the country can weather its present tortuous challenges if sincerity of purpose is employed. It urges the commiitee to go the whole hog and come out with beautiful, practicable and cost effective ways of rescuing the country from the pith of decay the PDP has ran it into.

“We are particularly pleased that the leaders of the APC have worked with an uncommon spirit of sacrifice and secriousness so far and the early results of their efforts are already running PDP and its allies ragged as all their efforts to sow discord and strife among the component parties have come to naught.

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“We salute them and also salute the mass acceptance that has trailed the formation of APC. We see it as enough proof that the country is tired of the burden the PDP has been for the past fourteen inglorious years. We see the massive endorsement the APC is receiving through the length and breadth of the country as proof that Nigerians urgently want change from the rotten and decadent order that has weighed them down for the past fourteen years. We see these as an endorsement of the efforts of the leaders of the APC and urge them to do more,” ACN said.

According to ACN, “APC is an idea whose time has come. We retstate that no amount of desperation by a fading and decadent order can stop it. APC is a child of history and history has taught us that nothing stymies a move that is historically correct. The rightness and historical correctness of the APC find meaning in the continued state of sleaze Nigeria has been under the PDP since 1999. We believe that the continued regression of the nation under the corrupt and incompetent watch of the PDP assisted tremendously to midwife the APC. APC will fulfil its historical mission of redirecting the sinking ship of the Nigerian state and steer it to safety from 2015.

“Lagos ACN notes the unsettled and clearly disoriented state the PDP had been thrown into since APC emerged. We note that the PDP is in great disarray on how to handle the present challenge thrown by the APC and this dishevelled state could be gleaned from the way and manner the party has so far reacted to the emergence of the APC. The rank and file of the PDP are caught on a crisis engendered by its well known notorious value to the present democracy where it has excelled in looting, impunity, incompetence and all other forms of inneficiency. We note that since PDP found out that it could not stop the formation of APC, it has been mobilizing its members and allies to sow falsehood, rumours and gossips with a view to engendering bad blood among the leaders of APC. That they have failed woefully in distracting APC shows that Nigerians are determined to do away with the nuisance the PDP has constituted in Nigeria for fourteen years.”

The party says it believes that “Nigeria is worth dying for and this worthiness obtains in the prospects of future responsible governance, which the APC is poised to give. We urge Nigerians who desire change from this prolonged state of rot to mobilise themselves in their immediate communiittes and neighbourhoods and align with APC as its braces itself for the task of salvaging the state of decadence the PDP has levied on Nigeria for fourteen awful years.”

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