7 Rules For Wealth Mastery

Ayo Arowolo

Ayo Arowolo

Over the past months since this column started , I have received an overwhelming barrage of emails, text messages and phone calls (even when this is not a suggested feedback channel) from perceptive  readers for a variety of reasons. A few people stopped me on the road to make some comments on the column. Some just wanted to commend the content of the column while some wanted solutions to some pressing  issues. There was a lone email from an aggrieved individual who wanted me to “shut up”if I could not provide immediate and practical solution for those who lost money in the Nigerian stock market. Some also offered suggestions on what to include to “spice up” the column.

I appreciate you all and your invaluable comments. In the process of time, I will try to see how we can adopt some of your suggestions. I however felt impressed  to do something in the interlude to address an observation from the different channels of feedback on the column.

Often I hear something like “I am enjoying your column”, your column has really blessed me”, “I have followed your inspirational column with rapt attention”, and so on and so forth. Those who have bought copies of my book, The Millionaires’ Capsules always want me to know that they “finished all the 23 chapters in two days”.

I must say I am worried by these comments. It is not my intention either in the book or  in this column to get you worked up. I want you to really work towards applying the tips I shared both in the book and here.

Remember that I am also a student and my goal is to ensure that as my mentors share nuggets with me, I figure out how to apply them to my life or business. I want you to do the same thing.  It is better to read one article and implement immediately what you find useful there rather than being an article collector. Someone once said that “knowledge is not power but only the knowledge that you apply confers power”.

There is a formula in every article published either in this column or in The Millionaires’ Capsules. Your goal should be that once you finish an article you should work out how to apply the nuggets shared at the end immediately.

I recommended in the book that you should have an accountability partner, someone who can check on you to ensure that you are applying what you are reading. You should do the same for your partner so that together you can make progress.

One way of ensuring that you make progress with each article is to write out a definite statement on what specific actions you would take to implement the nuggets.  Reward yourself as you make progress. I can assure you that if you follow this approach, you would be miles ahead of other readers who just read for enjoyment . You would notice improvement in many areas.

So in the next edition, I shall be starting a series I have titled “ RULES FOR WEALTH MASTERY”. It would run for few weeks before we consider other issues of interest. We have something for you that I won’t disclose now but just keep following the series. One of my mentors told me that making money is the easiest thing to do once every area of your life is in alignment. I take that line very seriously and I want you to also pay attention to it in setting your financial goals this year, if you have not done so.

Taking charge of your finance is not about spending your entire life accumulating money. It goes far beyond that. Real wealth is really not possible until you have ensured alignment in vital areas of your life. I read some time ago about some  individuals in the United States of America who spent all their lives making money. They indeed made quite some tonnes of money. The sad thing, however, was that most of them ended up committing suicide. After all the money, they discovered that they were still not fulfilled. There were still many vacuums money could not fill in their lives.

While I would focus my discussion in this column on financial matters, I am recommending the suggestion of one of my mentors, which is also well articulated in Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People  that  you should go out of your way to shape up in these areas: spiritual (the principal thing),  relationship, career, health, community service and personal development.

Let us look at the spiritual aspect for instance. You really cannot go farther in your quest for financial freedom than your level of spiritual development. Real success comes when your level of development outside matches your level of development within. If there is ever going to be an imbalance, it should be in favour of spiritual development.

On health, an Irish friend once told me something when he was Nigeria that I have put in my consciousness. Most of the time when he came to Nigeria, he would get out of the hotel latest by 6. 30am to jog for a distance of about 6 kilometers non stop. He would not take anything fried or with sugar. He was not a vegetarian but he ate more of vegetable and fruits than those things we regard as enjoyment here. One day I asked him why he was subjecting himself to such punishment. His response: “ I don’t want to become a wealthy man in the grave”. I found that profound. What does it profit you to accumulate great wealth and you don’t have a good health to enjoy the wealth. The message is that while you are busy making money, remember to take good care of your health. It is a sign of wisdom.

Relationship counts. You should try to widen your circle of friends all the time. Deliberately look out to network with people who can assist you make your dream a reality.  One motivational speaker once said that there are two types of individuals you would come across on your way to fulfilling your purpose. There are those he calls dream breakers and there are those he calls dream makers. The wisdom is in identifying dream makers and connecting with them while you break off without delay with anybody you suspect can sabotage your dream.

On career, the earlier you come to the reality that nobody is really interested in chatting a career path for you, the better you would turn out in life. You are 100 per cent responsible. You must take time to figure what you want to do in life, the skills you need to develop to get you there and people you need to connect with to make the journey shorter. If along the line your employer shows interest in helping you to contribute to your career development  count this only as bonus.  Always remember that you are in charge.

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Again, do not concentrate on your own needs alone. Actually the first sign of spiritual maturity comes at that time when you think more of what you can do for others without necessarily expecting a reward. Get involved in community service.

I believe very strongly that if you make efforts to work on all those areas listed while you are working on your financial freedom, you are likely to end up on the right end of life.  Money can serve as a good lubricant to life, but it is not everything. A life of balance is better.  Of course I am assuming that you know achieving mastery in each of those areas should be a life long thing.

The series I am starting next week will be on how to take charge of your personal finance while I would leave you to figure out the other aspects although I am still going to touch on such areas too as occasion demands.

I shall be sharing with you practical steps you can take to be in charge of your finance starting from now. They should prepare you for 2013

Best things ALWAYS!


•Take out time to analyse where you are in all the areas I highlighted in this article.

•Make a commitment to work at correcting weaknesses you noticed

•Set definite goals in all the areas for where you want to by December 2013

•Make conscious efforts to review your progress every month or every quarter

•It would help if you can get an accountability partner, especially your spouse.

PS: If you would want me to alert you on the tool needed to get to unlock the personal powers within you  in 2013, text this information in the format below to 07054638883 

PMMONEY*Your Name*Email*Status*Location 07054638883

E.g: PMMONEY*Dele Taiwo*delet@gmail.com*biz owner* Abuja to 07054638883

PPS: If you had already sent in your details in the past, do not bother to resend; you will still be alerted.

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