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PDP hits APC again, restates religious stereotyping

•Metuh: Blasts APC again

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has re-affirmed its criticism of the rival APC’s published roadmap as an anarchist document, likening it not just to ‘Janjaweed’ ideology but also to the “Anti-Balaka and the Seleka of the Central African Republic, whose ideology are completely anarchists’’.

Olisa Metuh, publicity secretary of the PDP, in apparent reaction to the APC statement earlier which rebuked the PDP over stereotyping the APC as an Islamic party, said the roadmap unveiled by the All Progressives Congress (APC ) on Thursday in Abuja was a roadmap to perdition.

Metuh, in a statement charged the APC to stop hiding under Islam to gain public sympathy, adding that the party had since shown that it had no respect for Islam.

•Metuh: Blasts APC again

It stressed that no true Muslim would identify with a party made up of anarchists bound together by the lust for power and desperation to rule by any means.

The party spokesman stated that the PDP, with a dedicated Muslim as its national chairman, has more committed Muslims who are worshipping Allah in truth more than the APC.

He added that the party has other responsible and committed Muslims as ministers, state governors, legislators and leaders in all tiers of government across the country.

Metuh noted that in working to ensure that it made the country ungovernable for President Goodluck Jonathan, the APC chieftains had shown that they did not believe the truth in the Quran that power belongs only to Allah.

He added that the APC by its actions had also failed to believe that Allah in His infinite grace and wisdom gives power to whoever he wants. Metuh charged the APC to stop hiding under Islam to gain sympathy having shown that it had no respect for the religion.

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The PDP spokesman said the roadmap unveiled by the APC was not worth discussing as it was evidently rushed out without proper homework. He added that it was “wishy-washy,’’ lacking in depth and character and failed to address any issue.

He pointed out that while the roadmap promises free education, students in Lagos state have been on the streets protesting imposition of high school fees by the state government.

It further noted that the people in the state were groaning under the burden of heavy taxes, which it alleged were being used to finance the wasteful lifestyle of APC leaders.

Metuh, said it was most curious that the APC with 16 states under its control, was not able to implement any of its “Janjaweed ideology’’.

He stressed that the APC by the roadmap, had actually launched seven cardinal sins against the national interest.

This, he said, include: deceit and propaganda, violence and destruction, lust for power, greed for money and insatiable acquisition of wealth and multiple and over-taxation.

Others, his statement identified as promotion of religious and tribal divisions and lack of respect for democratic tenets and principles.

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