Woman with missing husband granted divorce

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A Nigerian Upper Area Court, in Karu, Abuja, on Wednesday dissolved a six-year-old marriage between Aisha Abubakar and her husband Hamza.

Aisha’s husband, has been missing since 2009.

Ibrahim Walliyyullahi, the presiding judge granted the divorce in view of the efforts of the court and supporting documents before the court.

Walliyyullahi held that the court had earlier summoned two of Aisha’s in-laws, who reside in Kaduna State to verify the petitioner’s claims.

According to him, instead of appearing in court, the most senior member of the family, Alhaji Yau Musa, addressed a letter to the court that the family has no objections to the petitioner’s request.

The judge said that the letter signed by Musa, indeed, confirmed that the Aisha’s husband had been missing for four years and eight months.

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The letter asked the court to grant Aisha’s request.

Walliyyullahi, therefore, dissolved the marriage and ordered Aisha to observe a waiting period of four months and 10 days from today before remarrying.

“She is to observe an iddah period of four months and 10 days. She should also not dispose any property of her missing husband in her possession until he must have clocked the age of 60 or 70 according to Islamic law,’’ the judge held.

.Reported by NAN

.Would you rather wait for your husband to return if you were in Aisha Abubakar’s shoes? Let’s share your views.

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