WEF: Abuja records lull in government offices

World Economic Forum GROWAFRICA

Participants at the High Level Closing Plenary of GrowAfrica Investment forum in Abuja on Wednesday 7 May 2014

Participants at the High Level Closing Plenary of GrowAfrica Investment forum in Abuja on Wednesday 7 May 2014
Participants at the High Level Closing Plenary of GrowAfrica Investment forum in Abuja on Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Federal Secretariat, Abuja, where most government offices are located, is now devoid of activities due to the government’s temporary closure of its offices and schools in the federal capital.

This followed a directive by the Federal Government to its civil servants and students to stay away from public offices and schools from Wednesday to Friday while the World Economic Forum is being held.

NAN findings revealed that the gates leading to the various ministries, departments and agencies were shut.

However, only guards and some security personnel were sighted in and around the area.

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Meanwhile, security remained very tight in Abuja, especially in hotels where delegates to the forum are being accommodated.

Operatives of the military, the civil defence corps, police and the State Security Service (SSS), backed by military tank and sniffer dogs, were guarding the hotels.

Banks and other offices in the Central Business District of Abuja, were opened for business.

At the Nyanya axis of the FCT, the military stepped up its stop-and-search, as another check point has been installed at the border between the FCT and Nasarawa State.

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