I’ll Quit In 2018, Says Fayose

Ayo Fayose

Governor Ayo Fayose

Ekiti State Governor-elect, Ayo Fayose, has announced that he will not seek a second term when his tenure expires in 2018. He will be sworn in as governor in October this year.

Fayose stated this during a media conference in Ado-Ekiti on Sunday shortly after he was declared winner of Saturday, 21 June governorship election in the state.

He also said his deputy, Dr. Olusola Eleka, won’t succeed him in 2018 because he made it clear to Eleka from the beginning that both of them will serve only one term.

Fayose said he had no choice but to quit in 2018 because the constitution does not allow an elected office holder to take an oath of office more than twice.

“I have taken one and I will take another one in October.

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After that, I will find my way to my house.

“Again, I have chosen a deputy governor and I have told him from the beginning  that the two of us will pack our load and leave the Government House because I don’t want a deputy that will start playing politics behind me when we are in government and will be distracting me. I don’t want that again.”

He warned his supporters not to foment any trouble since electioneering was over.

According to Fayose, “the governor (Fayemi) is the leader of our state as of today. He has conceded defeat. He is my brother and forever will remain my brother.

He has contributed his quota, he has done his best like every other governor that has served and we must continue to give him the necessary respect that he deserves.”

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