Rodgers "relaxed" on Sterling deal

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Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has said he is not unduly worried over the stalled contract talks with forward Raheem Sterling.

A few weeks ago Rodgers appeared to indicate that all was set to be resolved, describing an “incredible” offer made to the 20-year-old Jamaica-born player which some reports put at £100,000 pounds a week.

However, the matter has remained there and Sterling has yet to put pen to paper on a new deal.

Rodgers though believes that time is on the club’s side as Sterling’s current deal does not expire until 2017.

“There is nothing new to report on it. I am quite relaxed about Raheem’s situation,” said Rodgers.

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“He is not going anywhere in a hurry – he has still got this season and another couple of years to go on his contract.

“I think it is quite obvious when you look at Raheem’s situation anyone with Raheem’s best interests would see Liverpool as the best option for his career.

“He turned 20 in December and he has made 114 appearances, which is a remarkable amount at a club of this size to be given that opportunity.

“He has made it clear himself that he loves being here and I think he was quoted as saying this is the best place for any young player to develop, so that makes me quite relaxed.

“I am sure the club and his representatives will find the solution for that.”

Rodgers has previously suggested the club would not be held to ransom by Sterling’s agent and said the contract offer they had made was more than fair for a player of the England international’s age and potential.

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