Transform Your Body With Right Food


By Prince Arinze Onebunne

The  of the rich, who have been spending so much money travelling outside the country for medical attention, is wrong. With growing numbers of prominent Nigerians fallen victims of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure, time is right for our people to embrace the use of enzymatically alive foods and vital nutrients to put diseases at bay. Within the last few years, some of eminent Nigerians are down with cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, arthritis and all sorts of ailments due to consumption of unhealthy food. These health challenges can be tackled and reversed by proper intake of foods.

Dr. Stephen .T. Sinatra, MD stated that living food is the most powerful medicine on earth that can heal chronic diseases. According to my mentor Rev. George Malkmus-The founder of Hallelujah diet ‘’Lets shift our emphasis to the prevention of disease rather than the current goal of merely trying to treat disease after it has occurred. The public must be told how to alter their diet and lifestyle so that disease is not created in the first place.’’

The only thing that stands between you and your own perfect health is knowledge and right information. Empowered with the sound information, you can improve your diet and lifestyle, reduce your dependence on prescription drugs, enhance your quality of life, and expand your physical, economic, mental awareness, etc.

Fruits basket

It’s not complicated. The human body already knows how to be healthy. All you have to do is give your body the food it needs so it has the right building materials in place to heal disease and rebuild itself from inside out. Today, more than 95 percent of all chronic disease is caused by food choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies, and lack of physical exercise. Which means you can prevent almost every kind of chronic disease, in large part, by avoiding certain types of dangerous food.

It’s time Nigerians take responsibility for their health by making a U-turn to the eating habits of their ancestors which is the consumption of God’s original food.

Continuous eating of wrong foods is a major reason why people die from preventable diseases, while consuming balanced diet and enzymatically alive foods and vital nutrients has a lot to do in preserving life.

The fact that for generations, millions upon millions of people have lived and are living, who have rarely if ever eaten anything but refined, processed, salted, pasteurized, sweetened, dyed and doped foods, does not prove that their being alive is the result of eating those unhealthy foods. As a matter of fact, they are in a state of decadent existence which is confirmed by the toxic condition of their bodies. Else, why the overcrowding of inadequate hospital facilities? Why the millions upon millions of naira of painkillers sold annually? Why such a high rate of incidence of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, infertility, and premature death?

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If we look at the natural world, we would never find any other living creatures that are overweight (unless it’s our overfed pets). It’s almost hard for our minds to conjure up the image of an overweight plant or an overweight lady bug. Man is plagued with diseases because he departed from God’s original food.

This may be due to the fact that all other living creatures consume a steady diet of natural foods, while humans are eating more bleached, sulphured, cooked, processed foods and artificial toxin containing foods. No thanks to irresponsible commercial farming techniques that depend on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetic modification and hormones to grow crops on already overworked land, a large percentage of today’s food supply has become saturated with toxins and has very little nutritional value.

As a Health minister of Hallelujah Acres and campaigner of natural health and organic living, I would advise Nigerians to be careful with processed, refined and fired food because it may lead to diabetes and other ailments. Food has amazing power to both destroy and restore health.

The more we eat enzymatically alive foods, the more “life force” we ourselves will be able to embody. Remember Life=Life and Death=Death. More than half a century ago in his book Prescription for Energy, Charles de Coti-Marsh explained, “By eating live foods you create a live body. Living foods contain essential nutrients the body needs to create and maintain energy. Dead foods advance age, decrease ability, and decrease energy … they are useless when dead…”

Common illnesses like high blood pressure, stress, cancer, diabetes, bowel health challenges, prostrate health, stroke, infertility, sleeplessness, erectile dysfunction, which destroys many homes can be prevented with optimum nutrition and lifestyle.

At Living Foods Conservation, we believe so much in enzymes, they help in the breakdown of foods in the body. They are very potent and help in health improvement. Enzymes particularly provide nourishment to over 100 trillion cells in the body, thereby providing energy for our system because a malnourished cell will eventually malfunction. That was what inspired my enzyme health therapy/ weight management company. We use these enzymes to achieve weight loss and healing for clients. Many of our clients have countless testimonies of the success of these enzyme supplements. If you want vibrant health, come see us-together we can empower your self-healing body.

E-mail: TEL: 08179629250,

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