We are down but not out - Mu'azu

Adamu Mu’azu

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Adamu Mu'azu, PDP national chairman
Adamu Mu’azu, PDP national chairman

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), says though it lost the March 28, presidential election to the All Progressives Congress (APC), it is not downcast.

This was contained in a statement issued by Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu, the PDP National Chairman on Thursday in Abuja.

“For us in the PDP, we want to state in very clear terms that we are not down. We are only at our redefining moment.

“Rather than demoralise us, this election has afforded us great lessons and we are now more than ever before reinvigorated for the race ahead,

“If the outcome of the election is truly the reflection of the wishes and aspirations of our citizens, the PDP will most willingly respect that wish,” the statement quoted Mu`azu as saying.

He added that what was paramount to the PDP was the survival of the country`s democracy, unity, peace and progress and the happiness of Nigerians.

Mu’azu stressed that Nigeria “is bigger’’ than any political party, individual or group, saying that its overall interest must be the priority of all.

“As we return to the electorate for the April 11, 2015 Governorship and State Assembly elections, we go recharged with faith in our heart.

“We assure all our candidates in the remaining elections that the party will stand with you, campaign with you and work vigorously to ensure your total victory at the polls,” he said.

He, however, commended President Goodluck Jonathan, the PDP presidential candidate at the election for his heroic act in conceding to the voice of the people.

He said that it was an action that stood him out as a true democrat and a statesman.

He also congratulated the APC candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, for his resilience and victory in the election and wished him success in the onerous task of leading the nation once again.

The PDP national chairman also commended the electorate for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the elections.

He maintained that the nation was however at the threshold of history and its defining moment for the future.

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“However, we have received reports of serious irregularities that characterised the conduct of the election.

“We shall channel our protests to the appropriate quarters in line with our profound respect for the rule of law and democratic ethos.

“Our party comes with great values and tradition and we will adhere to them and ensure that nothing is done to truncate our democracy,” he said.

Mu’azu called on PDP supporters across the country to remain steadfast in its renewed effort to deliver its flag bearers in the remaining elections.

He, however, noted that the PDP had in the last 16 years worked hard in rebuilding and strengthening democratic institutions, tenets and norms in the country.

He said that the party did this while lifting the country`s status as the leading democracy in Africa and one of the best in the world.

“It is incontrovertible that under the PDP-led government, our nation moved from a near pariah status to a strong actor in the international democratic arena,” he said.

He stressed that this was a product of various electoral reforms and the party’s: “iron-cast commitment to transparent, free and fair electoral process at all levels.”

Mu’azu held that even in the midst of obvious threats to the country`s democracy, the PDP and the government it sponsored continued to stabilise the polity.

He added that through strict adherence to rule of law and liberalisation of the political and economic space, the party was able to stabilise the polity.

He added that in the last 16 years, the PDP-led administration achieved significant milestones in the social and economic lives.

He said that the PDP moved Nigeria from a debtor nation to Africa’s largest economy and one of the fastest growing in the world.

According to him, the feat was accompanied with unprecedented expansion of the private sector and multi-sectorial infrastructural development across the country.

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