Ban-Ki Moon, Turkish PM, Others congratulate Buhari

Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon

President-elect General Muhammadu Buhari has been receiving phone calls from world leaders calling to congratulate him on his victory.

The leaders have also praised the peaceful nature of the election and its outcome.

Latest among such callers were the United Nations Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyep Erdogan, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Chadian President Idris Deby, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo Brazzaville, and Alfa Konde of Guinea.

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Buhari also answered congratulatory calls from the Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, former US President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In all cases, the President-elect responded to the positive gestures with assurances that Nigeria will act as responsible member of the international community in conducting its affairs.

He called for support for the country in dealing with global terror manifesting itself as Boko Haram in Nigeria.

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