Fashola to Parents: Shower children with love, care

Children’s Day 5 Fashola

Governor Babatunde Fashola with pupils of Corona Primary School

Governor Babatunde Fashola with pupils of Corona Primary School

Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State on Wednesday urged parents to always fulfill their obligations to their children and shower them with care.

The governor gave the advice while speaking at a programme to celebrate this year’s Children’s Day in Ikeja.

He said it was when parents fulfilled their obligations that they would grow into responsible adults and become great future leaders.

Fashola congratulated children on the celebration, saying the occasion should remind parents to be more alive to their responsibilities and show much more love to their children and wards.

“Let me congratulate all the children for this year’s anniversary of the Children’s Day; a day set aside to specially remember our obligations to our children and perhaps give much more care as we should on this special day, May 27.

“Although we must care for our children everyday, perhaps this day serves as a reminder about the need to refocus the obligations that we owe children, ” he said.

The governor thanked children in the state for supporting his administration by influencing their parents to vote for him and support government’s policies.

Fashola said his government had implemented some policies and programmes aimed at inculcating the right values in children.

He urged children to continue to show interest in such initiatives as the Climate Change Club and Road Safety Club so as to contribute meaningfully to the society and become better citizens.

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The governor urged children to shun violence, cultism and substance abuse, saying indulging in the acts could impair their future.

“As I bid you farewell, I urge you not to forget all of the things we have done together, and all of the things we still plan to do.

“Those of you in the Road Safety Club, do not forget what you have learnt about road safety; about road signs in order to keep safe.

“Those of you in the Power Kids Club, don’t forget what you have learnt about energy conservation and saving money so that we can ultimately improve electricity supply to our people.

“Those of you in the Climate Change Club, don’t forget what you have learnt about protecting the environment, managing your waste properly, reusing and recycling to improve the environment,” he said.

Fashola urged children to face their studies,saying education remained the only key to success.

He said the incoming administration of Mr Akinwunmi Ambode would commit itself to the development all young people in the state and urged residents to support it.

NAN reports that pupils representing different schools participated in march past at the occasion.

Traders selling different items such as vests, biscuits, softs drinks and others made brisk business from children and parents at the celebration.

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