Lagos Speaker visits mother of six abandoned by hubby

Obasa with the last set of twin and their mother

Obasa with the last set of twin and their mother, Mrs Ruth Uche

Eromosele Ebhomele

Obasa with the last set of twin and their mother, Mrs Ruth Uche

Speaker Mudashiru Obasa of the Lagos State House of Assembly on Saturday visited Mrs. Ruth Uche, the mother of three pairs of twin who was abandoned by her husband, Emeka Benjamin Uche, during the delivery of the third pair.

Obasa, who said the woman is a member of his constituency, presented food items, beverages and cash to the woman.

Mrs. Uche had stormed the Lagos State government secretariat where she poured out her problems to journalists disclosing that her husband disappeared close to the delivery of the third set of twin.

The governor of Lagos State, Mr. Akkinwunmi Ambode, on Friday approved a welfare package for the woman and her children.

Obasa, during the visit to the 32, Awori Street, Agege residence of the Uches, told the woman to give thanks to God for the successful delivery of the babies.

Describing children as gifts from God, the Lagos Assembly Speaker told Mrs. Uche to always give thanks to God in whatever situation herself.

Obasa with the three sets of twin

“We came to congratulate you on the successful delivery of these beautiful gifts from God and to assure you that you will not suffer in bringing up these children.

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“We must continue to thank God for everything. It was through the mercy of God that you delivered these twins through normal delivery after going through Caesarian routes in your previous delivery.

“So you have every reason to thank God.

“Apart from being the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, I’m also your representative in the Assembly as this area falls within the jurisdiction of my constituency so this visit is part of my duty as your representative in the Assembly,” Obasa said while assuring Mrs. Uche of the assistance from the state government.

The Speaker further advised Mrs. Uche and Lagosians in general to always make use of the health facilities provided by the state as they were built for their use and improve their health.

“The state government spent huge sums of money to put in place these facilities and they are free, so make use of them.

“For people like you (Mrs. Uche), there are enough experts and professionals to advise you on the family planning and other health issues,” he said.

Mrs. Uche expressed appreciation to the Speaker, saying she was overwhelmed at the visit.

“I’m overwhelmed with joy at this visit and I pray to God to always be with you and continue to bless you,” she said.

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