New AIG, Force Hq, Lagos dismantles illegal motor parks


Paul Iyoghojie

Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase

The new Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG, I. O. Caulcrick, in charge of marine section, Force Headquarters Annex, Moloney street, Lagos, western Nigeria, has dislodged all the illegal motor parks at the Force headquarters’ premises and sanitized the environs.
A police source informed P.M.NEWS that the police boss took the action to ensure maximum security and free flow of traffic within the Kam Salem House environs.
The source stated that on assumption of office a few weeks ago, the police boss discovered illegal motor parks being operated by some touts within the Force Headquarters premises.
He held a meeting with other officers in charge of police division and area commands in the area where he directed them to clear all the environmental nuisances within the Force Headquarters premises and sustain it.
The police source further said since the police boss gave the directive, the Force Headquarters annex has assumed a new look. Following the new development, motorists and road users plying the area have commended AIG Caulcrick for doing what others have not been able to do at Force Headquarters in recent time.
When P.M.NEWS visited the Force Headquarters premises on Friday afternoon, mobile policemen with dogs were on guard at the P & T R/About, Moloney beside the Force Headquarters, monitoring human and vehicular movements to the delight of motorists and passersby
as traffic was smooth in the area unlike before.
Handbag and handset snatchers who usually hang around the Police Traffic Wardens stand in the area have also disappeared from the vicinity.
When contacted on phone about the new development at the Force Headquarters, AIG Caulcrick said he acted on the instructions of the Inspector General of the Police, IGP, Solomon Arase to ensure maximum security is sustained at the Force Headquarters Annex at all times.

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