China arrests 15,000 people for internet crimes

China’s President Xi Jinping Visits Malaysia

Xi Jinping, China's president

Xi Jinping, China’s president

Chinese authorities have arrested 15,000 people for crimes that jeopardised internet security as they intensify a campaign to clean the web.

The Ministry of Public Security said in a statement late Tuesday that police had investigated 7,400 cases of cyber-crime and would continue to destroy online criminal gangs.

“We have also targeted websites providing illegal and harmful information and advertisements for pornography and gambling sites, without providing details on the criteria,” the ministry said .

In total, the ministry said the cases investigated involved 66,000 websites, although it did not make clear over what period.

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The ministry announced a six-month cleaning the internet campaign last month to investigate crimes such as fraud, extortion and pornography.

China’s legislature approved a sweeping national security law on July 1 to tighten control of the internet and empower the state to take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty online.

The legislation called for tougher management over the internet including measures to prevent the spread of illegal or harmful information.

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