Ki-moon, Ambode lament high rate of terrorism, conflicts


A cross-section of Citizen Mediation Centre, CMC, staff, Ministry of Justice and others during the walk for world peace.

A cross-section of Citizen Mediation Centre, CMC, staff, Ministry of Justice and others during the walk for world peace.
A cross-section of Citizen Mediation Centre, CMC, staff, Ministry of Justice and others during the walk for world peace.
Kazeem Ugbodaga

As Lagos joined the global community to mark this year’s International Day of Peace, the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon and Governor Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State lamented the increasing rate of conflicts and terrorism across the world.

The duo spoke at a ceremony organized by the Lagos State Government in partnership with the United Nations to flag-off the Walk for peace programme held in Ikeja, Lagos, Southwest Nigeia on Monday.

They called for peaceful coexistence amongst the residents irrespective of their religion and nativity.

Speaking at the programme, the United Nation Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon who was represented by the UN Programme Officer, Mr. Roland Kadanya, noted that, “this year’s international Day of peace comes at a time of deadly violence and destabilizing conflicts around the world. Rather than succumbing to despair, we have a collective responsibility to demand an end to the brutality and impunity that travail.

“I call on all warring parties to lay down their weapons and observer a global ceasefire. To them I say, stop the killings and the destruction, create space for lasting peace.

There is no group more poise to help this dream than today’s young people. They are part of the largest generation of youth in history, more aware and connected than any before.

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“I urge all government to make greater investments in realizing the potentially massive contributions of the world’s young peace builders. At the same time, we need to mobilize all partners who share the goal of peace.

“Non- Governmental organizations, faith based groups and corporations all have a role to play in fostering social progress, protecting the environment and creating a more just , stable and peaceful world. The value of this collaboration is our theme for the day: “Partnership For Peace-Dignity for All”.

Speaking, who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice Mrs. Funlola Odunlami said the state government established the Citizens’ Mediation Centre (CMC) in 1999 to serve as a non-adversarial dispute resolution centre through the use of mediation mechanism in dispensing justice fairly, speedily without discrimination fear or favour between disputing residents in the state.

The governor stated that the centre currently had 14 units spread across the, saying the policy thrust of the government was to ensure that a unit is established in all local government areas of the state.

Ambode added that the Citizens Mediation Centre would adopt the UN international Day for peace as an annual event to propagate the ethos of peaceful coexistence amongst residents in the state.

The programme, ‘Walk for Peace’ commenced at the State Government Secretariat, through Obafemi Awolowo Way and terminated at the Ikeja under the bridge in Ikeja.

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