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150 world leaders adopt 2030 agenda for SDGs - Ki-Moon

Ban Ki-moon

Former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

No fewer than 150 World leaders on Friday adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon announced in New York.

Ban made the announcement while briefing UN correspondents, after the Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which was also attended by the Catholic pontiff, Pope Francis.

“This is a momentous day. Earlier this morning, His Holiness Pope Francis addressed UN staff and the General Assembly.

“The Pope spoke movingly of our common humanity. He emphasised on our moral duty to provide for the poor and care for the planet.

“Today, United Nations Member States have risen to this challenge by adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” he told reporters.

Ban said this was not an agenda for someone else but “a promise by world leaders to everyone, everywhere.

“Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals will now guide us on a safer, more prosperous and equitable path.

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“These goals are a blueprint for a better future – a to-do list for people and planet.

“The goals emerged from the most inclusive process in United Nations history,” he said.

The UN Chief said that now, Member States must use the goals to transform the world through partnership and through commitment, adding, “we must leave no-one behind.

“We are the first generation that can end extreme poverty, inequality and injustice.

“Today, UN Member States have committed to a visionary agenda for a life of dignity and prosperity for all on a healthy planet.

“Let us work together over the next 15 years to make their vision a reality for all people in all countries,” he said.

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