Max Air returns 4,000 pilgrims to Nigeria


FILE PHOTO: Nigerian Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia

FILE PHOTO: Nigerian pilgrims in Saudi Arabia

Alhaji Ibrahim Dahiru, the Public Relations Manager, Max Air, on Thursday said the airline had returned 4,000 pilgrims who performed the 2015 Hajj to Nigeria.

Dahiru told NAN in Kano that the pilgrims were transported back to the country in seven trips while the eighth flight was preparing to take off tonight.

According to him, the airline has made four trips to Sultan Abubakar III International Airport, Sokoto, with Zamfara pilgrims.

He also said the airline made one flight each for Katsina and Gombe states pilgrims while the second flight for each of the two states was on its way to Nigeria from the holy land.

“We thank God for the safe journey.

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“It’s (transportation) going on smoothly as we are getting full support from the various pilgrims welfare boards, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria and other stakeholders,” he said.

He assured all pilgrims that the airline had made adequate arrangement for their return along with their luggage.

“I want to assure that any pilgrim who arrives in the country will go home with his or her luggage,” he said.

He, however, advised the pilgrims to give the airline the necessary support and cooperation to ensure the success of the exercise.

NAN recalls that Max Air Ltd. transported 35,567 pilgrims to the holy land for this year’s Hajj.

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