Sokoto Area Customs Command collects N124.3m revenue in September


Acting Customs Boss, John Atte

Acting Customs Boss, John Atte
The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) said it had collected over N124.3 million as revenue in September from the Sokoto, Kebbi Zamfara Area Command.

Mr Mohammed Kankara, the command’s Area Comptroller, stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Sokoto on Saturday.

Kankara said that the command had surpassed what it had collected in the preceding month of August.

He said that the command made about twenty four seizures of contraband, including second hand clothes, rice, spaghetti, vehicles, vegetable oil and petroleum products, among others.

The controller said that the command had identified and blocked all illegal routes of smugglers in Sokoto ,Kebbi and Zamfara states.

He said competent and dedicated officers had been deployed to ensure the arrest and prosecution of smugglers.

Kankara solicited the support of residents of the border communities through useful intelligence information that could lead to the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the illegal businesses.

” My areas of jurisdictions are no go areas for economic saboteurs as an effective operational order had since been issued to the officers deployed to deal with the situation,” he explained.

He also appealed to the residents of the border communities to continue to cooperate with the officers and men of the service to enable them discharge their constitutional responsibilities diligently.

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