Man faces trial for killing his dad


Akin Kuponiyi

A 35-year-old man, Nelson Oamen, alleged to have killed his 75-year-old father, Sunday Ehiremen Oamen, has appeared before an Ebute Metta Chief Magistrates’ Court, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria.

The man who was accused of committing patricide, was alleged to have stabbed his father on the chest and stomach while the old man was asleep, with broken bottle on 18 September , 2015, at about 11.30 am, at their residence at Abesan Estate, Ipaja, Lagos.

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In a criminal charge number D/44/2015, preferred against the accused by the Lagos State Criminal Investigation Department, of the Nigerian Police Force, Panti, it was stated that the alleged offence contravened section 221 of the criminal laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011.

The plea of the accused person was not taken when the charge was read to him.

Consequently, the presiding Chief Magistrate, Mrs. Folashade Botoku ordered that the accused be remanded in prison custody for the first 30 days, while his case file should be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecution, DPP, for advice.

Thereafter the suit was adjourned till 5 November, for the outcome of DPP’s advice on the matter.

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