Flood kills boy, 11, in Delta

River Niger flood

Houses submerged by flood

Jethro Ibileke/Asaba

An 11-year-old boy, names withheld, who lost his life in a ravaging flood that submerged Okpai community in Delta state on Monday, has become the first casualty from flood in the state this year.

The boy was said to have drowned when flood water gushed into the community.

The state commissioner for information, Patrick Ukah, who disclosed this in Asaba after the State Executive Council meeting, said the state flood committee was working assiduously to ensure that those areas already impacted were relocated to higher grounds and IDP camps to avoid further casualties.

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He disclosed that the State government has approved the setting up of camps for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) across the state to cater for those relocating from the flood impacted communities.

The commissioner who disclosed that presently, Ndokwa East, Oshimili South, Ughelli South, Patani and Bomadi Local Government Areas have been impacted by the flood, appealed to the people of these areas to relocate immediately to the IDP Camps already opened, while other areas were being watched.

“Certain areas of the state have been submerged by the flood, and Internal Displaced Persons camps have been opened in Ashaka and Utagba-Ogbe (Kwale) for people from Ndokwa East; Asaba Stadium for people from Oshimili South especially Oko communities and Infant Jesus areas, camps have also been opened in Ughelli and Bomadi, we need to continue to sensitise our people on the need to relocate early from flood prone areas to avoid disaster.

“I want to assure that everything needed at the camps have been provided and security agencies and other non-governmental organisations are on hand to handle issues at the camps, also more camps will be opened in areas impacted as the need arises,” Mr. Ukah said.

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