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Anti-Corruption: Lamorde hosts Kenyan delegation, sues for closer ties


Mr Vincent Okongo and Ibrahim Lamorde

Mr Vincent Okongo and Ibrahim Lamorde

Chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ibrahim Lamorde, has reiterated the need to strengthen the existing collaboration among African countries in fighting the menace of corruption.

He made the call on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 in his office while playing host to a team from Kenya Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, EACC, who are on a study visit to the EFCC Academy, Karu.

Lamorde, who underscored need for closer synergy among African countries described corruption as a monster and a clog in the wheel of progress in the continent.

“The reason Africa is not developed is because of corruption, as it drags us back. Therefore we, as anti-graft agencies and indeed all Africans, need to come together to fight the monster and ensure that the bad ones do not find sanctuary in any part of Africa,” said Lamorde.

The EFCC boss who thanked for them for the choice of the EFCC Academy, noted that, “though the western world may be advanced in technology and have a lot to teach us, but because of our peculiarities as Africans, some of the solutions proffered for us might not fit in here”.

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The anti-graft czar urged the Kenyan delegation to take training seriously adding that, the only way to win the war against graft is to have a well trained work force as well as a platform of interaction and exchange of ideas.

Earlier, the leader of the delegation, Vincent Okong’o who is the Director Preventive Services, EACC, Kenya, stated that, they were on a visit to the Commission as part of their tour guide in creating a Regional Anti-corruption Academy.

“Only East Africa does not have anti-corruption academy and we have chosen EFCC Academy as one”, Okong’o said.

According to him, the delegation in the course of its tour, had learnt a lot and have gotten good responses which would be taken back and worked on.

Okon’go, in appreciating EFCC for its doggedness to the fight against corruption both locally and internationally, hoped that, the relationship between the two countries would be further entrenched.

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