Don't disappoint Lagosians, Olulade urges new cabinet

Segun Olulade

Segun Olulade

Eromosele Ebhomele

Segun Olulade

A member representing Epe Constituency 2 at the Lagos State House of Assembly, Segun Olulade, on Tuesday advised newly appointed Commissioners and Special Advisers in the state to deliver.

The commissioners and advisers were sworn into office on Monday by Governor Akinwunmi Ambode.

Olulade urged them to immediately swing into action in a bid to complement the efforts of the governor.

The lawmaker noted that Lagosians are expecting a lot from the appointees and therefore should not be disappointed.

The Chairman, House Committee on Information, Security and Strategy in the seventh Assembly, while congratulating the appointees, urged them to see themselves as being privileged to be selected among several other people who are willing to be in that positions they are occupying.

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According to him, “the appointees should see themselves as being fortunate to be nominated and appointed as commissioners and Special Advisers. They should know that the state governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, has so much faith in them.

“They must be aware of the fact that a standard had been set for the state right from the administration of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, then to that of Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN).

“This standard is set to be taken to another level with Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on board and all hands must be on deck in order to achieve this feat.

“The commissioners and special advisers must do everything possible to ensure that the good works started by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu continue; they must not disappoint the Governor who appointed them and also they must not disappoint Lagosians.

“Just like the Governor said on Monday at the swearing-in ceremony, the primary allegiance of the new appointees is to the people of the state, irrespective of creed and colour; therefore they must be dedicated to the service of the state.

“As we all know, Lagos is at the moment going through rapid urbanisation and as a result, requires hard thinking solutions to develop befitting infrastructure, which will cater for the increasing population,” Olulade said.

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