Police creates Direct Complaints Department for Lagos, Ogun


Bala Hassan, AIG Zone 2

Bala Hassan, AIG Zone 2

The Zone 2 Command of the Nigeria Police on Tuesday said its Direct Complaints Department, created to handle the harassment and extra-judicial matters meted out on citizens by police officers had taken off.

The command’s Public Relations Officer, CSP Adebowale Lawal, told NAN in Lagos that a number would be given out for the public to interact with an officer on their grievances.

“We have noticed that all forms of the public complaints are not getting to the police early enough.

“We need to bridge the communication gap between the public and the police to enable us to fight crime to the barest minimum.

“The people are not using other platforms of reporting harassment of policemen on the citizens, so, we decided to come up with the idea of phone calls to enable us to reach out to all complaints,” he said.

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Lawal added that information about crimes could also be given through the medium.

“It is all encompassing, human right abuse; complaints against police action during any interaction with any officer at all times can be reported.

“Also, members of the public can call to give us information about any suspicious act or crimes being committed.

“This will enable both the police and public to work together in fighting crime and attending to grievances of the people,” he said.

He disclosed that the platform was particularly meant for Lagos and Ogun states under the zone.

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