Wike warns new council bosses, inaugurates governing councils of schools

Governor Nyeson Wike

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State

Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt

Governor Nyeson Wike of Rivers State

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, has warned that he will not hesitate to sack the Caretaker Committee Chairmen and members of any local government areas where cases of kidnapping and abduction are reported.

Wike gave the warning during the swearing in of the new CTC chairmen at the Government House, Port Harcourt.

He charged the chairmen to focus on security and environmental sanitation as their major task in their local government areas and work with security agents in the state to check kidnapping and other security breaches in the council areas.

Governor Wike warned the CTC Chairman in Obio/Akpor,(his local government), Bright Amaewhule to ensure the sanitation of the area and stop engaging in illegal revenue collection.

“For the last time, stop illegally impounding vehicles of companies located in Obio-Akpor in the name collecting revenue. You should not expect that the money you will make within three months will make you rich. You can be my whatever, I am warning you for the last time that I will not save you if I get another negative report about you.”

Some of the newly sworn in Chairmen of Caretaker Committees said that they will strive to meet the demands of the Governor in ensuring a secured and clean environment in their respective domain.

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The Caretaker Committee of Khana and Opobo/Nkoro has not been constituted because names of nominees were not among those sworn in last night. Their names are expected to be sent to the State Assembly today for screening and confirmation.

In the same vein, Governor Wike has approved the re-constitution of the Governing Councils for the state owned tertiary institutions.

The Special Assistant to the Governor on Media, Simeon Nwakaudu, in a statement said Governor Wike has appointed the former Chief Judge of Rivers State, Justice Iche Ndu as pro-chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of the Rivers State University of Science and Technology.

Also, the Governor re-constituted the governing council of the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education with Aaron Miller Ikuru appointed as Chairman and pro-chancellor of the institution.

Governor Wike also appointed former Super Eagles player, Adokiye Amiesimaka as Chairman of the Governing Council of the Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori.

Senator Lee Maeba is the Chairman of the Governing Council of the Rivers State College of Arts and Science.

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