HWR condemns Shiite Muslim attack, demands probe

Shiite protest zakzaky

FILE PHOTO: A demonstration staged in northern Nigeria, calling for the release of Ibrahim Zakzaky, depicted here on a banner in Kano, who was detained following a military crackdown on his followers ©Pius Utomi Ekpei (AFP/File)

Henry Ojelu

A demonstration staged in northern Nigeria, calling for the release of Ibrahim Zakzaky, depicted here on a banner in Kano, who was detained following a military crackdown on his followers ©Pius Utomi Ekpei (AFP/File)

Human Rights Watch said Wednesday that the killing of hundreds of Shiite Muslim members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), by Nigerian army soldiers from December 12 to 14, 2015, appears to have been wholly unjustified.

The group insists that the Judicial Commission of Inquiry set up by the government should be sufficiently independent and impartial to hold those responsible to account.

Human Rights Watch in a statement said it interviewed 16 witnesses to the killings and five others, including local authorities, who said that Nigerian army soldiers fired on Shia Muslim members of the group at three locations in Zaria, in northern Nigeria.

This is against the army’s position which said its confrontation with the Shia sect members who had erected a makeshift roadblock near a mosque resulted from an assassination attempt on the army chief of staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, whose convoy was passing by.

Human Rights Watch said that in an internal military document it sighted, the army said protesters appeared to be taking up positions near the back of the convoy.

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“The Nigerian military’s version of events does not stack up,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

“It is almost impossible to see how a roadblock by angry young men could justify the killings of hundreds of people. At best it was a brutal overreaction and at worst it was a planned attack on the minority Shia group.”

The Islamic Movement of Nigeria is a Shia sect with close ties to Iran based in Zaria, Kaduna state. It began in the 1980s and is led by Sheik Zakzaky, who was inspired by Iran’s revolutionary movement when he traveled there.

The sect has an estimated 3 million followers spread across Nigeria. It is separate from Boko Haram, a radical Islamic group also operating in northern Nigeria, whose members have attacked Shia and others.

Under international human rights law governing the use of force during policing operations such as this, the intentional use of lethal force is only permitted when strictly unavoidable, to protect life.

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