Inferno at Doctor's Quarters: Wike sympatises with victims

Burnt Doctors Quarters in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Burnt Doctors Quarters in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

…relocates them to Government Guest Houses

Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt

Burnt Doctors Quarters in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has sympathized with doctors and management of the Braithwaite Memorial Hospital, Port Harcourt over the fire that gutted the Doctor’s quarters of the hospital on Sunday.

The fire which started from the top floor of the two-storey quarters at about 3:00 pm completely damaged that floor.

Wike who got to the Doctor’s Quarters to supervise efforts of fire fighters to put out the fire, directed that all the five doctors and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health residing at the facility be immediately relocated to Government Guest Houses with their families.

He also announced the setting up of a Panel of Inquiry to establish the immediate and remote causes of the inferno.

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Wike said: “I want to sympathise with the doctors affected by this fire incident. We thank God that no life was lost.

“However, I have directed the Health Commissioner to set up a Panel of Inquiry to find out what led to the fire. If it is as a result of negligence, those involved will be sanctioned. We must endeavour to protect Government property at all times “.

Governor Wike commended fire fighters from the State Fire Service, Shell and NPA who fought the inferno and prevented it from spreading.

He announced that the State Government will rebuild the burnt quarters.

Governor Wike was accompanied to the Braithwaite Memorial Hospital by the State Head of Civil Service, Rufus Godwin and Commissioner for Health, Dr Odagme Theophilus.

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