Scavenger docked for peddling Indian hemp


NDLEA operatives

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Friday arraigned a 25-years-old man, Seun Shehu, for being in possession of 200 grammes of Indian hemp.

Shehu, a scavenger, pleaded guilty to the charge of drug peddling in a Federal High Court in Lagos.

Justice Abdulazeez Anka ordered that the accused be remanded in custody and adjourned the case till Sept. 15 for review of facts.

Following the guilty plea, the prosecutor, Mr Jeremiah Aernan, prayed the court to remand the accused.

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The prosecutor had stated that the accused committed the offence on May 25 at Igbero Road, Lekki, Lagos.

He said that the accused was arrested with 200 grammes of Indian hemp meant for sale to miscreants in the area.

The offence, he said, contravenes Section 11 (c) of the NDLEA Act, Cap N30 Laws of the Federation, 2004.

The Act prescribes life imprisonment for the offence of drug trafficking.

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