Nasarawa gets new first class emir

Governor Tanko-Al-Makura of Nasarawa State

Governor Tanko-Al-Makura of Nasarawa State

Governor Tanko-Al-Makura of Nasarawa State
Governor Umaru Al-Makura of Nasarawa State on Thursday announced the appointment of Alhaji Abdullahi Osana-Hayatudeen as the new Emir (Osana) of Keana in the state

Al-makura announced this at a meeting with the state’s Traditional Council in Lafia following the death of the occupant of the stool, the late Osana of Keana, Sen. Emmanuel Elayo in May.

The governor prayed God to guide the new emir and urged him to care for his people.

He said the approval of the new Osana followed his selection by the kingmakers, adding that government had made the selection free and fair.

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Al-makura said about 40 princes aspired for the vacant seat.

Until his appointment, Hayatudeen, born in May 1959 in Keana, headquarters of the local government, was a Director of Finance, at the FCT Judicial Service Commission, Abuja.

He is married with six children and holds Msc degree in Business Administration from the University of Keffi, Nasarawa State.

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