Mother, daughter arraigned for beating landlady

The gavel of justice

A 38-year-old trader, Rosemary Adejesu, and her daughter, Onyinyechi, 18, were on Tuesday arraigned at an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos for allegedly assaulting their landlady.

The accused, residing at Obadare St., Ijaye in Ogba, near Lagos, are being tried for conspiracy, breach of peace and assault.

The Prosecutor, Insp. George Nwosu told the court that the accused committed the offences on Aug. 24 at their residence.

He alleged that mother and daughter conspired and assaulted their landlady, Mrs Christiana Ogundare by beating her up.

Nwosu told the court that the accused allegedly converted their apartment to a worship centre without the landlady’s consent.

“They conduct service on Friday nights and Sundays, disturbing the peace of other tenants and the community.

“Other tenants reported the case to the landlady who does not live in the house.

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“The complainant came and warned the accused to stop using her rooms for church but her pleading fell on deaf ears,” he told court.

The prosecutor said that when the complainant could no longer handle the situation, she invited the police to intervene.

“The complainant invited the police to intervene when she could not longer handle the accused.

“The police also warned the accused to stop using the room as a worship centre but after the police left, mother and daughter descended on the complainant,” he said.

Nwosu said the offence contravened Sections 166,177 and 409 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.

The accused, however, pleaded not guilty.

The Magistrate, Mr A.A, Adesanya, granted each of the accused bail in the sum of N50,000 with two sureties each in like sum.
Adesanya adjourned the case to Sept. 19 for mention.

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