Mrs Ajimobi canvasses regular medical screening


Mrs Florence Ajimobi

Mrs Florence Ajimobi

The wife of the Oyo State governor, Mrs Florence Ajimobi, has urged residents of the state to always go for regular medical screening.

The governor’s wife made the plea on Tuesday in Ibadan during a walk organised by the Access to Basic (Medical) Care Foundation to create awareness on cancer.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that ABC Foundation is a pet project of Mrs Ajimobi.

The walk took off from the ABC Clinic at Ibadan South East Local Government Council and ended at the Recreation Club at Adamasigba area of the state.

NAN reports that the occasion was to commemorate the third year anniversary of the foundation.

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The governor’s wife called for regular screening, saying people must refrain from living in self-denial.

“The best way to avert the consistent and continued pattern of cancer claiming lives is early detection through check up such as the mammogram, sonogram and pap smear.

“Early detection increases the chances of survival and preserves many more lives,” she said.

The Chief Operating Officer of the foundation, Mrs Dolapo Oyedipe, called on residents to explore the opportunity of free medical checkup provided by the foundation, saying that it had attended to more than 35,000 people at no cost to them.

NAN reports that the week-long anniversary programme will continue till Friday with several programmes lined up such as symposium and free medical screening.

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