Master Bakers on strike in Bayelsa

Seriake Dickson

Governor Seriake Dickson
of Bayelsa State

Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State
Governor Seriake Dickson
of Bayelsa State
The Bayelsa State Chapter of the Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria has embarked on a three-day warning strike since Monday to protest hike in the prices of baking materials and production.

The association warned that members might be forced to increase the price of bread to remain in business.

In a statement signed by the chairman of the association, Mrs Preye Johnson and Secretary Hilary Peter, they said the prices of bread and flour cake popularly known as Madiga would be increase from October 20.

The association said the adjustment in prices was as a result of the sudden increase in the prices of sugar from N7,000 to N20,000; butter from N4,200 to N12,000; yeast from N10,500 to N17,000; preservatives from N12,000 to N45,000 and flour from N9,000 to N12,000.

The association disclosed that the three-day warning strike would end by midnight today.

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Some consumers of bread are already reacting to the strike and anticipating an increase in the price of bread.

A resident, Thomas Preye Simon asked, ”Which way Nigeria, which way to go in the prevailing hardship.”

Timi Thomas said, “This is an additional burden on the lean purse of many families.”

Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt

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