Still on sale: TheNEWS Special Trilogy on The First Nigerian Coup


TheNEWS trilogy on the first coup

Copies of TheNEWS
In June, July and August, 2016, TheNEWS published a trilogy on the British Intelligence Report on the first Nigerian coup.

The first was on what led to Biafra; second, how the revolution failed and the third, how Aguiyi Ironsi took over.

Since the three editions contain one long narrative (with an organic unity), many readers got the first or second or third without getting the complete editions. If you missed one, you cannot get the whole story!

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However, here is an opportunity. In fact, because of the high demand for the editions, we have just printed more copies.

To buy any of the editions or the complete set, therefore, contact Mr. Isa Isawade on: 08033517367

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