Akwa Ibom governor urged to fulfill job promise

Governor Udom Emmanuel

Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom

Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom

Physically- challenged Innocent Ntia has appealed to Gov. Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom to fulfill the promise of automatic employment.

Wheelchair-bound Ntia made the appeal at the Correspondents Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists in Uyo on Wednesday.

He said the governor promised to offer him automatic employment during the first anniversary of the Family Empowerment and Youth Re-orientation Programme (FEYReP)

He said “FEYReP is Mrs Martha Emmanuel’s pet project aimed at improving the lives of the youths in the state.

“I was privileged to be a beneficiary of their programme and was given a wheelchair on June 2, 2016, in one of FEYReP’s projects tagged: “Right to Rise.”

Ntia, who is a 2010 graduate of Policy Studies/Administration of the University of Calabar, said the governor made the promise on Sept. 24, 2016, during the first anniversary of FEYReP.

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“After my presentation, the governor ordered the Head of Service, Mrs Ekereobong Akpan, to announce an automatic employment for me.

“The governor made the offer after I had told him I am a 2010 graduate of Policy Studies Administration from the University of Calabar and a Diploma holder in Local Government Administration in 2005.

“When the Head of Service made the pronouncement, she ordered my credentials and other data to be collected that I will be invited immediately for documentation”, Ntia said.

“I have not heard anything from him since the promise. As I speak with you, I am just coming from the office of the HoS; I was told that Wednesday was not visitors’ day.’’

Ntia attributed his condition to the accident he had on April 3, 2013, while on a church mission to Edo State, adding that he had been on a wheelchair since then.

“My wife left me after the accident in 2013. Life has not been easy since then and appealed to the governor to use his good offices to help him out of the difficult situation.

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