UCH opens stroke clinic

University College Hospital (UCH)

University College Hospital (UCH)

University College Hospital (UCH)

The University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan has established a Cerebro-Vascular Accident (CVA) clinic for the treatment of stroke and stroke-related diseases.

Prof. Temitope Alonge, UCH Chief Medical Director, in Ibadan said that the clinic would operate in the Accident and Emergency Unit of the hospital.

The CMD said the new stroke clinic would operate with a mixed blend of 40 doctors and 60 physiotherapists.

He said that a computed tomography (CT) scan machine was being dispatched to the clinic to aid the scanning of patients.

According to the UCH boss, patients will be charged fees to maintain efficiency at the stroke clinic.

“This special stroke clinic, which will serve people in Ibadan and South-West in general, will go a long way in assisting to reduce incident rate of stroke at the UCH,” he said

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He said that stroke was a leading cause of death in UCH between 2014 and 2016.

“According to the latest Mortality Report and Statistics compiled by UCH for January to December 2014, a total of 1,915 deaths were recorded.

“Out of this number, stroke was 201, representing 10.5 per cent, while our Accident and Emergency Unit records not less than three stroke patients on admission daily,’’ Alonge said.

Alonge defined CVA, also referred to as stroke, as a situation when blood flow to a part of the brain is stopped either by a blockage or the rupture of a vessel.

“At times, it can lead to death with no apparent causes, other than a vascular origin,” he said.

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