Journalists urged to address fake news dissemination

s office, at Golden Tulip, Festac, Lagos on Friday, March 4, 2011." srcset="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" class="article-pic amp" />

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN (right) fielding questions from Journalists after the 6th Executive/Legislative Parley on: “Good Governance and Strategic Planning” organized by the Political and Legislative Powers Bureau, Governor’s office, at Golden Tulip, Festac, Lagos on Friday, March 4, 2011.

Babatunde Fashola, Minister of Power, Works and Housing

Mr Babatunde Fashola, the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, has called on journalists to come up with solutions to address the challenges of fake news dissemination in the country.

Fashola made the call when Oyo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ) led by its Chairman, Mr Adewumi Faniran visited him in Abuja on Tuesday.

Fashola said the visit was timely, considering the need to address the problems of fake news dissemination, adding that the media was an indispensable tool for securing democratic institution.

“We grew up in era when news was news; we are now in an era where we are learning how to deal with fake news and how to fight fake news.

“I spent the last few days listening to features on global television teaching people how to identify fake news.

“So, I challenge you to find a solution that works to address the ugly trend”, he said.

The minister pledged the commitment his ministry to do its best to implement the policies and programmes of the Federal Government to better the lots of Nigerians.

He said the ministry had contributed its own share to the development of the country by implementing the 2016 budget to the best it could with the resources available to it.

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“For road projects that were stopped because of funding, as I speak to you, contractors are back to site across the country.

“In the housing sector, we are constructing prototype housing under the National Housing Programme in 33 states of the federation”, he added.

Eralier, Faniran told the minster that the visit was in line with the policy of the new executive of the council to visit notable Nigerians especially eminent sons and daughters of the South-West.

He commended the minster for the achievement recorded in the areas of road, housing and power supply since his appointment.

“We have been monitoring your activities and are convinced that you are on the right path.

“With the efforts you are making to bring sanity and development to the sectors under your watch, we are sure that at the end of the day, Nigerians will have reasons to commend you”, he said.

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