Boko Haram: Security Agencies Deploy Personnel To Communities

Governor Kashim Shettima

Vice President Kashim Shettima

Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State

Some security agencies have deployed their personnel back to communities in the 24 local government areas in Borno liberated from the Boko Haram insurgents by the military.

The Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Damian Chukwu, said in Maiduguri that his command had deployed its men in almost all the liberated communities.

“We have our men in the local government areas liberated from the Boko Haram insurgents.

“We are in Kala- Balge, Monguno, Gwoza, Askira-Uba, Damboa, Chibok, Nganzai, Gubio, Damasak, Konduga, Kukawa, Bama and other areas,” Chukwu said.

He said, however, that the command had yet to mobilise its personnel to three local government areas – Abadam, Guza Mala and Marte.

“The only local government areas we have yet to deploy personnel are: Abadam, Guza Mala and Marte, and this is due to an ongoing military operations there.

“We are waiting for signals from the military to enable us to move in and as soon as the signals come we will deploy our men,” the commissioner said.

He said the police deployed men from different departments to the areas due to their peculiarities.

“Based on the peculiar situation in the state, we deploy personnel from police departments such as the Mobile Police, Counter Terrorism Unit and Explosive Ordnance Department (EOD),” he said.

Similarly, the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) in the state says it has deployed its officers and men back to the liberated communities.

The NIS Comptroller in the area, Malam Musa Jahun, said the command had returned personnel to three main border posts in the state.

Jahun said that the NIS had reopened its posts in Gamboru, Banki and Damasak.

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“The first area we returned was Gamboru-Ngala, a border community with the Cameroon Republic. We deployed our men in the registration and control posts for refugees returning from Cameroon.

“We have been there for almost four months now, but we are just providing skeletal services.We are registering returnees in conjunction with the UN Commission for Refugees,” he said.

” Any place that is liberated from the terrorists, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) will usually perform a kind of celebration after which the paramilitary chiefs will meet with him to decide on the next line of action.

“The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) and other paramilitary bodies will then move in,” the comptroller said.

He said the Service had also commenced rebuilding of its structures damaged by insurgents.

“We have started rebuilding our structures.We began with that of Gamboru station. The NIS service headquarters has reconstructed the housing blocks, while the Borno Government has assisted in rebuilding the offices.

Also, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) said it had also deployed its personnel back to the liberated communities.

The NSCDC Head of Operations in the state, Mr Danladi Daorong, said,“we have our men in a couple of places such as Bama, Konduga, Jere, Mafa, Gubio, Dikwa and Gamboru.

“We are in the process of deploying our men in Damboa, and other few areas,” Daorong said.

He, however, said that lack of logistics, especially operation vehicles, was hindering the exercise

“Our operations are hampered by lack of mobility as we do not have vehicles to move around.

“However, we are doing our best in the circumstances,” he said.

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