NEMA Adopts Cash Transfer Strategy




The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is to adopt Cash Transfer Tool strategy to expand the scope of relief intervention to affected persons in the country.

The Director-General of the agency, Malam Mustapha Maihaja, announced this during the Cash Transfer Preparedness Programme organised for staff of the agency and the Nigerian Red Cross in Abuja.

The programme was organised by the International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC).

Malam Sani Datti, the spokesman of the agency, said in a statement in Maiduguri on Sunday that Maihaja was represented at the programme by the Director, Relief and Rehabilitation, Mr Kayode Fagbemi

“I have no doubt that this Cash Transfer Preparedness Programme is important, considering the complex nature of the relief management,” the director-general was quoted as saying.

The initiative, Maihaja said, would lead to a paradigm shift in the management of relief operations in Nigeria in order to give dignity to displaced persons, especially in the North-East Zone.

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He said the humanitarian scenario in Nigeria had become complex as a result of different emergencies being witnessed in recent years.

Maihaja solicited the support of ICRC toward the development of guidelines for Cash Transfer Programming.

Also speaking, leader of delegation from ICRC, Mr Eloi Fillion, said the transfer of knowledge to NEMA would ensure sustainability.

He, however, said that the ICRC might not be everywhere to provide assistance.

The training covered thematic areas of ascertaining pre-conditions for cash transfer, modalities of cash transfer, mechanisms, types of response of options, implementation process and practical scenario.

Cash transfer programme is a tool for cash transfer to support population affected by disaster to meet multiple needs in ways that maintain human dignity, provides access to food and shelter as well as help rebuild or protect livelihood.

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