Deforestation: Edo to monitor logging activities, encroachment into Okomu Park


Forest reserve

Jethro Ibileke

Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State has assured the management of Okomu Natural Park that his government would monitor logging activities and encroachment into the park.

The Governor gave the assurance Wednesday, when the management of the Park paid him a courtesy visit at the Government House in Benin.

He assured the management of his Government’s​ collaboration to ensure the preservation and protection of the rain forest park and its wildlife.

Obaseki also disclosed that plans were underway to establish a Forestry Commission for better management of forest activities in the State.

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The governor, who described the park as a heritage in the State, noted that its conservation was paramount to promote its ecotourism potentials and artistic value, just as he reiterated that his administration was committed to curbing environmental degradation and deforestation within the rain forest zones in the State.

“It is in our interest to work with you and you should work with us, so that we can re-own our park. We will do what we have to do to preserve the park. We will revoke titles given to land owners within the park,” he said.

Obaseki, therefore, urged the management to furnish the state government with information on illegal activities in the park.

Earlier, the Conservator of the Park, Mr. Abdullahi Ahmed, said the State Government’s support was needed in the protection of bio-diversity in the park.

He said the management of the park which is located in Ovia South West local government area in the State, is tackling invasion of migrant cocoa farmers as well as stopping logging within the park.

Ahmed explained that the 202 km park, which was established about 20 years ago, was one of the seven natural parks in the country, and that it had recorded successes in the areas of research, ecotourism promotion and establishment of good relationship with the host community.

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