Army pledges to strengthen armed forces through research

Nigerian army

Nigerian Army

The Defence Headquarters has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthen the Armed Forces through research and development.

Maj.-Gen. John Enenche, Director, Defence Information, gave the reassurance at an event to mark the 90th Anniversary of the founding of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in Abuja on Thursday.

Enenche said that lessons could be learnt from the progress  PLA had  made in the 90 years of its existence.

“Our Army is 154 years old and I will tell you objectively that comparatively the PLA has done so well.

“They have advanced so much and you can see the technology, the equipment they have and they have their production line; so it is wonderful to celebrate with them.

“ What I am taking back to the Armed Forces through the Chief of Defence staff is to ensure that we remain focused and develop our research and development more.

“Already, it is in the pipeline; the defence headquarters has created an independent research agency of which we have got the backing of the political masters.

“A bill has been passed in that regard; before long we will grow, just like China,” he said.

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He further commended relations between the Nigeria and China in the areas of security and intelligence sharing.

Senior Colonel Wang Runxu, Military, Naval and Air Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, said the relationship between both countries had “unceasingly developed for decades”.

Runxu recalled several visits made by the governments of both countries and added that such visits promoted their relationship.

“In the military area, the friendly exchange and pragmatic cooperation between the PLA and the Nigerian Armed Forces are fruitful.

“The cooperation in the defence industry and arms trade between our two countries has been strengthened.

“The equipment of military trade and donation from China to Nigeria played a positive role in counterterrorism, safeguarding maritime and airspace security and other military operations by the Nigerian Armed Forces.

“For years the PLA has provided dozens of slots on annual basis for Nigerian officers to participate in military training courses in China which effectively promoted understanding and cooperation between the two militaries.”

He expressed optimism in the sustenance of military cooperation between both countries.

He also noted that the PLA had been an active contributor to world peace regional stability contributing the largest number of troops to UN Peacekeeping missions among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

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