Tambuwal orders dispatch of relief materials to rainstorm victims


Aminu Tambuwal, Sokoto state governor

Aminu Tambuwal, Sokoto state gov

Gov. Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State on Sunday directed the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) to immediately dispatch relief materials to rainstorm victims in Illela, Araba and Gadi communities in the state.

The incident occurred on Friday as the heavy down pour was accompanied by strong wind which destroyed residential buildings, farmlands, livestock farms as well as farm produce.

Alhaji Usman Danmadami, the leader of the government delegation and Sokoto State Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), while commiserating with the victims urged them to see the incident as the Will of Allah.

He said the state government would work with the local authorities to assist the victims in rebuilding the communities to enable them return to their normal activities.

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Danmadami prayed Allah to give the victims the strength to carry on in the trying moments while assuring them that all efforts would be made to rebuild their lives.

“That is why Governor Tambuwal has directed SEMA to quickly deliver relief materials to them in order to cushion the hardship,’’ he added.

Responding on behalf of the affected communities, Alhaji Sahabi Isa, the traditional council member of Illela, Wakilin Sarkin Rafin Illela, commended the governor for the support to the affected communities.

Danmadami was accompanied on the visit by the Commissioner for Local Government and Community Development, Mr Manir Dan’Iya, Government House Chief of Staff, and Mr Mukhtar Magori, among others.

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