Merkel calls for diplomacy in North Korea crisis


German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday rejected a military solution to the North Korea crisis and called for an end to the escalation in language between Washington and Pyongyang.

“An escalation of the language is for me the wrong response,” the chancellor said following the war of words between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea, which has dramatically raised the stakes in the conflict over Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons programme.

“I also don’t see a military solution (to the conflict) and do not consider it necessary,” Merkel told a press conference in Berlin.

READ:President Trump set to attack North Korea 

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Instead, Merkel called for all sides to the crisis, including the United States, South Korea and Japan to work closely together with the UN.

In a new development, Merkel pledged up to 50 million euros (59 million dollars) in aid to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) by the end of the year.

“This work must not fail for financial reasons,” Merkel said at a joint press conference with the heads of both agencies in Berlin.

She said there was need for political stability in Libya in order to stem the flow of migrants to Europe.

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