Newly promoted warrant officers charged on morals

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Nigerian Airforce chief Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, briefing journalists on the operation in The Gambia

Nigerian Airforce chief Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, briefing journalists

The Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, on Friday charged newly promoted Air Warrant Officers (AWOs) to be good role models of the service.

He gave the charge during the decoration ceremony of the officers at the NAF Headquarters in Abuja.

The CAS urged them to see their promotion as an outcome of the confidence NAF reposed in them, especially as they were not the only ones that went through a rigorous selection exercise.

Abubakar also implored them to uphold the vision of the CAS on loyalty and disciple in the force.

“Very soon, the newly recruited airmen and airwomen will resume at their various units, you must put in place programmes to nurture and mentor them to be loyal, dedicated and disciplined officers.

“As these attributes constitute the hallmark of a fighting force; this should be your focus at all times,” he said.

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The CAS promised that the welfare of the personnel would always be provided, adding that personnel should update their skill to keep up to modern challenges.

“Ensure that you keep abreast of contemporary security challenges and spare no effort to guarding against loose talks and rumour mongering.

“Assist your commanders in ensuring the protecting of NAF bases including key points (KPs) and vulnerable points (VPs),” he said.

Abubakar also reminded them of the need to promote regimentation by ensuring that personnel not on pass/leave or official release were punctual at work and at every parade.

The CAS urged them to monitor other personnel and promptly alert the commander on issues of indiscipline.

Abubakar also advised them to follow the schedule of duties for AWOs to avoid conflicting with the Regiment Sergeant Majors (RSMs) in the discharge of their duties.

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