Edo, EFPAN to partner on project cultural heritage


Godwin Obaseki, Edo State Governor: My certificates are genuine

Godwin Obaseki, Edo State Governor

The Edo Government, on Wednesday, said it would partner with the Edo Film Practitioners Association of Nigeria (EFPAN) to project the state’s rich cultural heritage and history through film production.

Gov. Godwin Obaseki, made this pledge when he received members of the association, who came on a courtesy visit to the Government House in Benin.

The governor, who was represented by his deputy, Mr Philip Shaibu, said the partnership with the group was apt as the state was in dire need of telling its own story with correct facts.

Obaseki said this would help correct the fiction being projected by film makers for profit making.

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“The country is working towards democratic advancement and all avenues must be explored to keep the records of its history, especially the role played by each government.

“I thank you members of EFPAN for coming back home to boost the state’s entertainment industry and I call on other professionals to join the government in developing the state,’’ the governor said.

Earlier, the EFPAN Secretary-General, Mr Samuel Obeakemhe, said the association was in the state to explore ways of exposing its rich cultural heritage to the world through films.

The association on the occasion, has veteran Dr Alex Usifo, comedian Klint De Drunk, Sonia Ehinomeb and Ukor Rapher, as members among others.

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